Date: April 22, 2002
Last weeks tip ( ) showed a methodology for sizing the minimum number of disks to support a given transaction rate (IO per second)**.
The iostat command can be used to get the data for the sizing methodology. Here's how to calculate the statistics by disk:
I/O Rate = tps
Block size = kbps / tbps
%Read = ( KB_read )/( KB_read + KB_write )
%Write = ( KB_write )/( KB_read + KB_write )
Sample Interval = ( KB_read + KB_write )/ kbps
The statistics have to be summed over all disks. The attached "analyze_iostat" perl script does this summation. It can be run either as a pipe, or against a saved file. For example:
Pipe: iostat 5 10 | analyze_iostat Saved file: analyze_iostat
The analyze_iostat output list overall statistics for each interval, as well as an average for the entire sample. The following is a sample of the output.
|--KB_Read---| |--KB_Write--| AvBlkSz Interval Count kbps TPS % = R/(R+W) % = W/(R+W) (kb) (sec) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 4635.9 1159.0 26332 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 4.0 6 2 4252.6 1062.8 24204 (100%) 121 ( 0%) 4.0 6 3 4638.0 1159.5 26344 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 4.0 6 4 4630.6 1157.6 26348 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 4.0 6 5 4956.2 250.7 3492 ( 12%) 24560 ( 88%) 19.8 6 6 9770.6 179.9 172 ( 0%) 55716 (100%) 54.3 6 7 5144.4 132.4 2032 ( 7%) 27188 ( 93%) 38.9 6 8 2040.6 94.2 6196 ( 53%) 5456 ( 47%) 21.7 6 9 1914.2 92.1 5824 ( 53%) 5068 ( 47%) 20.8 6 10 2251.9 93.0 6676 ( 52%) 6160 ( 48%) 24.2 6 11 2289.8 88.2 6692 ( 52%) 6268 ( 48%) 26.0 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avg 4229.5 497.2 12210 ( 51%) 11867 ( 49%) 20.1 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
One caution. This script measures only physical I/O. If the disks are mirrored, there are two physical writes for each logical write. So, for example, if you are moving from mirrored to Raid 5, convert the KB_write and tps columns to logical writes.
(Observation: AIX has a bug in the iostat output.
To fix, update to current levels)
Perl script to analyze iostat data:
Bruce Spencer,
# Bruce Spencer IBM, 12apr02
# Purpose: estimate AIX block size, tps rate, and %read/%write
$VERSION="1.0, April 12, 2002";
# If you want to list disks that exceed a threshold utilization
# set the next value to be greater than 0.
# Turn off by setting to 0
# Help screen
if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-h") {
system("tput clear");
print("Program name: $PRGM, Version $VERSION \n\n");
print("Purpose: Analyze iostat output to estimate I/O block size, transactions/sec, read/write content.\n\n");
print("Usage: $PRGM [iostat file]\n\n\n");
print("Example 1: Input from file.\n");
print("\n\tiostat 10 30 > iostat.out\n");
print("\t$PRGM iostat.out \n\n");
print("Example 2: Input from stdin.\n");
print("\n\tiostat 10 30 \| $PRGM\n\n");
print("Note: Be sure there is more than one iostat interval in the sample.\n");
print("This program skips the first interval (historic data).\n\n");
} # end if
# Determine if input is stdin or file
if (@ARGV == 0) {
#No file specified, assume stdin
$|=1; # Don't buffer input
} else{
} # end if
# Open file or stdin
unless (open(INPUT, $INFILE)) { die ("File open error\n");}
# Debug
# unless (open(INPUT, "iostat.out")) { die ("File open error\n");}
# Read the iostat data for each interval
# 1. Data for each interval starts after line "Disks: %tm_act....."
# 2. Read interval data. Output interval stats. Accumulate overall stats.
# 3. Interval data ends with "^cd0" or eof.
# Print header for output
# Switch to column format for output
# Skip first iostat interval because it is historic data
# read iostat data for each interval...the $read_next subroutine detects eof
while ( 1 ) {
# Skip to first line with data in next interval
# Zero counters for this interval
# Start reading the data, the &read_next checks for eof
while ( &read_next ) {
# Check for end of interval (CDROM or empty line)
if ($input =~ /^cd/ || $input eq "" ) {last;}
# Parse the line for I/O data
@cols = split(/\s+/,$input);
if ( $cols[3] > 0 ) {
} #end if
$disk_util{$cols[0]}+= $cols[1];
} # end while
# Summarize the I/O data for this interval
}# end while
# Subroutines
# Calculate grand totals
sub grandtotals() {
# Calculate the overall statistics
# Reuse interval variables so we can use the write function
# Set print format
if ($interval >0) {
$sum_kbps = $kbps_overall/$interval;
$sum_tps = $tps_overall/$interval;
$sum_read = $read_overall/$interval;
$sum_write= $write_overall/$interval;
$sum = $read_overall + $write_overall;
if ( $sum >0 ) {
$pct_write=100 - $pct_read;
} else {
if ($block_overall_cnt >0 ){
} else {
} # end if
# if ( $tps_overall > 0 ) {
# $time_int= $sum/$tps_overall;
# } else {
# $time_int="";
# } # end if
# Save the interval count in "count"
# Print horizontal line
# Print the overall averages
} #end if
# Print out disk that exceeded threshold
if ($count > 0 && $THRESHOLD_DISK_UTIL > 0 ) {
# Print horizontal line
# Print heading
# Set print format for threshold
foreach $disk ( keys %disk_util ) {
if ( $disk_util{$disk} > $THRESHOLD_DISK_UTIL ) {
} # end if
} # end foreach
} # end if
} # end grandtotals
# Summarizes the interval statistics
sub summarize() {
if ( $count < 1 ) {
print ("Input error: Disk count equals zero. Exiting\n");
} # end if
# Interval statistics
$sum= $sum_read + $sum_write;
if ( $sum > 0 ) {
$pct_read= 100*($sum_read)/$sum;
$pct_write=100- $pct_read;
} else {
$pct_read=" ";
$pct_write=" ";
# Sample Interval (seconds)
if ($sum_kbps > 0) {
$time_int= $sum/$sum_kbps;
} else {
if ($blocksize_count == 0) {
$blocksize=" ";
} else {
} # end if
# Sum statistics for global sample
if ($blocksize_count >0) {
$block_overall += $blocksize;
} # end if
# Print out interval summary
} #end summarize
# Zero out interval counters
sub zerocounters() {
} # end zerocounters
# Increment line to next iostat interval
sub next_interval {
#Increment to beginning of next iostat interval
do {
} until ($input =~ /^Disks/);
} # end next_interval
# Read next line
sub read_next {
$input=<INPUT> ;
# check for end of file
if ( eof ) {
} #end if
} # end read_next
# Print formats
format HEADER =
|--KB_Read---| |--KB_Write--| AvBlkSz Est_Interval
Count kbps TPS % = R/(R+W) % = W/(R+W) (kb) (sec)
format COLUMNS =
@<<< @####.# @####.# @###### (@##%) @###### (@##%) @###.# @###.#
$interval, $sum_kbps, $sum_tps, $sum_read, $pct_read, $sum_write, $pct_write, $blocksize, $time_int
format LINE =
The following disks exceed the threshold @###.# % utilization.
format THRESHOLD =
@<<<<<<<<<< @###.#
$disk, $disk_util{$disk}