08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures SPECIAL NOTICES Information in this document is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of this writing. Please send feedback by fax to "AIXServ Information" at (512) 823-4009. Please use this information with care. IBM will not be responsible for damages of any kind resulting from its use. The use of this information is the sole responsibility of the customer and depends on the customer's ability to eval- uate and integrate this information into the customer's operational environment. +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | NOTE: The information in this document has NOT been | | verified for AIX 4.1. | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT This document describes setting up an Xstation 140/150. Provided below are 4 sample configuration scenarios which can used as a guide by System Administrators in setting up an Xstation. NOTE: The examples use the Xstation 140 as a default, just substitute 150 where applicable. XSTATION SETUP PROCEDURE Before starting the set up procedure, Check Your Inventory: o Mouse o Keyboard o System unit (power cord) o Display (cable and power cord) Then perform the following: 1. Turn off the power switch. 2. Connect the keyboard and mouse. 3. Connect the network cables. 4. Turn off the display power switch and connect the display cables. 5. Connect the power cable to the system Unit. Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 1 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 6. Plug in the power cables into electrical outlets. 7. Turn On the power switch to the display and then the Xstation. 8. At the initial boot screen, determine the Xstation's Hardware Address and give this to your System Adminis- trator. Now the Xstation can be configured on the network. AIX BOOT HOST, NO GATEWAY, X_ST_MGRD FILE SERVER 1. Add Xstation's IPaddress and name to /etc/hosts. Such as: xstation1 boothost1 2. To Define the Xstation use the command smitty x_config *********************************************************** Define an Xstation Network Type *********************************************************** Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes [Entry Fields] * Xstation Network TYPE Name [x_st_mgr.network1] * NETWORK Type [ethernet] * SERVER PORT Number [9000] ---> x_st_mgrd port number is in /etc/services. 9000 is smit default. * HOME Directory [/etc/x_st_mgr] * BOOTFILE [X140serv] * DOMAIN Name Server [ ] * GATEWAY [ ] Subnet MASK [ ] ************************************************************ Add an Xstation ************************************************************ Add an Xstation 140 ************************************************************ Type or select value in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * Xstation NAME [xstation1] * Xstation Network TYPE [x_st_mgr.network1] * Hardware ADDRESS [XXXXXXXXXXXX] ---> get from initial boot screen ************************************************************* 3. Verify the following on the boot host: o Appropriate network is up. o x_st_mgrd is running. Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 2 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 o inetd is running(tftpd, bootpd configured in /etc/inetd.conf) o If /etc/tftpaccess.ctl is present (secure tftp) /etc/x_st_mgr,/usr/lib/X11 and /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr are set to "allow" o Default fonts in place: /usr/lib/X11/fonts /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi 4. Make sure the Xstation is at factory defaults. a. Go to Main Menu of Local Configuration (Do this by pressing ESC at the initial boot screen) b. Select "Restore Defaults", "Save Changes", and "Reboot". AIX BOOT HOST, GATEWAY PASSES BOOTP REQUESTS, X_ST_MGRD FILE SERVER 1. Add Xstation's IPaddress and name to /etc/hosts. Such as: xstation1 boothost1 gateway1 2. To configure with SMIT type: smit x_config Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 3 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 *********************************************************** Define an Xstation Network Type *********************************************************** Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes [Entry Fields] * Xstation Network TYPE Name [x_st_mgr.network1] * NETWORK Type [ethernet] * SERVER PORT Number [9000] ---> x_st_mgrd port number is in /etc/services. 9000 is smit default. * HOME Directory [/etc/x_st_mgr] * BOOTFILE [X140serv] * DOMAIN Name Server [] * GATEWAY [] Subnet MASK [] ************************************************************ Add an Xstation ************************************************************ Add an Xstation 140 ************************************************************ Type or select value in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * Xstation NAME [xstation1] * Xstation Network TYPE [x_st_mgr.network1] * Hardware ADDRESS [XXXXXXXXXXXX] ---> get from initial boot screen ************************************************************* 3. Verify the following on the boot host: o Appropriate network is up. o x_st_mgrd is running. o inetd is running(tftpd, bootpd configured in | /etc/inetd.conf) o If /etc/tftpaccess.ctl is present (secure tftp) /etc/x_st_mgr,/usr/lib/X11 and /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr are set to "allow" o Default fonts in place: /usr/lib/X11/fonts /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi 4. Make sure the Xstation is at factory defaults. a. Go to Main Menu of Local Configuration (Do this by pressing ESC at the initial boot screen) b. Select "Restore Defaults" and then "Save Changes". c. Modify Local Configuration Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 4 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 1) Basic Configuration 2) Change Bootp to Direct 3) Add Terminal Internet Address 4) Add Host Internet Address 5) Add Gateway Internet Address 6) Add Subnet Mask d. Save Changes and Reboot AIX BOOT HOST, GATEWAY DOES NOT PASS BOOTP REQUESTS,X_ST_MGRD FILE SERVER 1. Add Xstation's IPaddress and name to /etc/hosts. Such as: xstation1 boothost1 gateway1 2. To configure useing SMIT type: smit x_config *********************************************************** Define an Xstation Network Type *********************************************************** Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes [Entry Fields] * Xstation Network TYPE Name [x_st_mgr.network1] * NETWORK Type [ethernet] * SERVER PORT Number [9000] ---> x_st_mgrd port number is in /etc/services. 9000 is smit default. * HOME Directory [/etc/x_st_mgr] * BOOTFILE [X140serv] * DOMAIN Name Server [] * GATEWAY [] Subnet MASK [] ************************************************************ Add an Xstation ************************************************************ Add an Xstation 140 ************************************************************ Type or select value in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] * Xstation NAME [xstation1] * Xstation Network TYPE [x_st_mgr.network1] * Hardware ADDRESS [XXXXXXXXXXXX] ---> get from initial boot screen ************************************************************* 3. Verify the following on the boot host: Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 5 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 o Appropriate network is up. o x_st_mgrd is running. o inetd is running(tftpd, bootpd configured in /etc/inetd.conf) o If /etc/tftpaccess.ctl is present (secure tftp) /etc/x_st_mgr,/usr/lib/X11 and /usr/lpp/x_st_mgr are set to "allow" o Default fonts in place: /usr/lib/X11/fonts /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi 4. Make sure the Xstation is at factory defaults. a. Go to Main Menu of Local Configuration (Do this by pressing ESC at the initial boot screen) b. Select "Restore Defaults" and then "Save Changes". c. Modify Local Configuration 1) Basic Configuration 2) Change Bootp to Disable 3) Add Terminal Internet Address 4) Add Host Internet Address 5) Add Gateway Internet Address 6) Add Subnet Mask d. Save Changes and Reboot NON-AIX BOOT HOST, NO BOOTP, GATEWAY, XDM, NFS & TFTP FILE SERVERS 1. Add Xstation 's IPaddress and name to /etc/hosts. Such as: xstation1 boothost1 gateway1 xdmhost1 2. Verify the following on the boot host: o Appropriate network is up. o tftpd running(font paths & /etc/x_st_mgr are acces- sible if in secure tftp mode.) o nfsd is running(/etc/x_st_mgr,/usr/lib/X11 in /etc/exports) Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 6 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 o xdm is running on appropriate host o Default fonts in place: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc /usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi /usr/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi All fonts.alias have following first line: FILE_NAMES_ALIASES 3. Any manual editing to IPaddress File is correct. (See ip.template in /etc/x_st_mgr/xs140/cfg) 4. Make sure the Xstation is at factory defaults. a. Go to Main Menu of Local Configuration (Do this by pressing ESC at the initial boot screen) b. Select "Restore Defaults" and then "Save Changes". c. Modify Local Configuration 1) Advance Configuration 2) Network Parameters Change Bootp to Disable Add Terminal Internet Address Add Host Internet Address Add Gateway Internet Address Add Subnet Mask Change XDMCP to Direct Add XDMCP Host Internet Address 3) File Servers Change Primary to NFS Add Host Internet Address Change path if necessary Change Secondary to TFTP Add Host Internet Address Change path if necessary 4) Save Changes and Reboot Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 7 08/20/96, 4FAX# 1990 READER'S COMMENTS Please fax this form to (512) 823-4009, attention "AIXServ Informa- tion". You may also e-mail comments to: elizabet@austin.ibm.com. These comments should include the same customer information requested below. Use this form to tell us what you think about this document. If you have found errors in it, or if you want to express your opinion about it (such as organization, subject matter, appearance) or make sug- gestions for improvement, this is the form to use. If you need technical assistance, contact your local branch office, point of sale, or 1-800-CALL-AIX (for information about support offer- ings). These services may be billable. Faxes on a variety of sub- jects may be ordered free of charge from 1-800-IBM-4FAX. Outside the U.S. call 415-855-4329 using a fax machine phone. When you send comments to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute your comments in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. NOTE: If you have a problem report or item number, supplying that number may help us determine why a procedure did or did not work in your specific situation. Problem Report or Item #: Branch Office or Customer #: Be sure to print your name and fax number below if you would like a reply: Name: Fax Number: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ END OF DOCUMENT (xstn.140.150.setup.tcp, 4FAX# 1990) Xstation 140/150 Setup Procedures 8