The Super stty program. Have you ever needed to change the stty configuration on a serial port but were blocked. Well I have, and I'm MAD. Yes ME!,... I'm "RAT"-mad and I have modified stty to do some of this for you. This is not complete yet, but is somewhat functional. With the sstty you can pin CLOCAL, Change baud rates, Push or pop disciplines, and just in general get in to all kinds of trouble. Or maybe if you are lucky, get out of trouble. Syntax is : sstty [get] [add] [del] [baud rate] [a] [g] /dev/tt??? This is a bit terse, but there will be more info as I have time to work on sstty. To install: - on a 3.1 machine - zcat /u/hsim/other/sstty.tar.Z | tar xvf - - on a 3.2 machine - zcat /u/hsim/other/sstty_32.tar.Z | tar xvf - The binary's will be deposited into /tools. The stty- files must be in that directory, but you can move the sstty command anywhere you want it. This was built on a 2008 base, but should work on all levels of 3.1 from 3005 to 2008. Come see me for details if you need help. Some of the functions are a bit weird, but what the HEY!,... Me too! Jim (Like a "RAT" in a trap, and pinned CLOCAL.) File available on journey /u/hsim/other/sstty.README. 8/3/92 - SSTTY is now available for 3.2 - I have removed some of my debugging modules, and the output resembles more like stty.