xlfrte only :dt.IX16429 :dd.Wrong results when the 1st argument to GETENV is char variable :dt.IX16313 :dd.Warning msg 1525-097 issued if a repetition factor is used :dt.IX15861 :dd.Wrong NAMELIST READ of complex constants with D , Q exponents :dt.IX15245 :dd.Formatted WRITE using T or TL edit descriptor may core dump :dt.IX14099 :dd.Msg issued when OPEN a read-only file with STATUS=OLD or UNKNOWN :dt.IX13858 :dd.Invalid Hollerith format may cause incorrect msg and core dump :dt.IX13611 :dd.When $ edit descriptor used, positional edit descriptor ignored :dt.IX13545 :dd.Incorrect EOF signalled on external formatted read. :dt.IX13055 :dd.Default file permissions for newly created files were incorrect :dt.IX12705 :dd.User subroutine named after some system routines not called prop :dt.IX12229 :dd.Incorrect msg if EOF hit during list-directed internal formatted :dt.IX11455 :dd.GETENV service subprogram does not blank-pad the return variable :dt.IX11424 :dd.Calling user-defined subprograms 'rand' & 'srand' will fail. :dt.IX11387 :dd.Warnings issued for OPEN statement, even w/ IOSTAT= or ERR= :dt.IX10989 :dd.Warning issued if char follow closing parenthesis in a format :dt.IX10884 :dd.NOI4 may not handle integer and logical intrinsic function :dt.IX10657 :dd.Problem reading alphabetic character into variable. :dt.IX10319 :dd.Erroneuos sequential read msg if direct read cannot be completed :dt.IX09560 :dd.program calling xl__trce will not link if -qextname is used