xlccmp IX12604 Referencing undeclared member of a structure in a ternary expression may result in an internal compiler error. IX12525 Ternary expression involving bitfields may result in internal compiler error with -O option. IX12505 The compiler invocation command passes files with suffix to ld before files with no suffix, thus results in incorrect order of files seen by ld. IX12443 Fix for XL FORTRAN specific problem in common component. IX12438 preprocessing token of .. may result in incorrect output after preprocessing. IX12427 Fix for XL FORTRAN specific problem in common component. IX12399 #ifdef does not allow keywords as macro names. IX12235 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX12182 Using '\\' as an argument in macro replacement in extended mode may cause error in preprocessing. IX11276 Incorrect static initialization may cause internal compiler error. IX11665 The compiler traps in V_DJOINT when program is compiled with -O. IX11651 Ternary operations with pointer arithematics may produce incorrect results without optimization. IX11565 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX11447 function returning a structure which is called more than once may produce incorrect results. IX11197 An unary logical operation on pointer with assignment operator will cause an internal compiler error. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used, the compiler issues a traceback from BASEREG. IX11145 Options not directed to the compiler, that require an argument that has not been supplied, will result in incorrect processing of options. IX11142 character constant having a parameter as part of the replace- ment text will result in an extra blank being inserted in extended mode. IX11140 conditional expression involving dereferencing of a member of a structure may result in internal compiler error. IX10965 The -I option without a pathname is not handled correctly. IX10921 A bitfield with length zero followed by a non-bitfield member will cause a subsequent bitfield to have incorrect alignment. IX10918 Passing a structure by value may corrupt subsequent parameters . IX10816 Compiling code with functions named bb, eb, bf, ef, target, xfake, eos, file, text, data or bss with the -g option is specified may cause the linkage editor to fail. IX09652 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX09651 The compiler issued an internal compiler error message when the -O option is used. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used, the compiler issues a traceback from EQUIVALENT_DEFS. IX09647 Static initialization with constant expressions that involve pointer dereferencing will produce incorrect results. IX09639 When preprocessing files containing #pragma alloca, the compiler abends. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used, the compiler issues a traceback from PRAGMADIR. IX09636 If a function prototype contains an elipsis and that function is called with a floating point parameter, then incorrect results will occur. IX09573 Core dump at run time with -O. IX09391 Structure assignment to a volatile string corrupted when compiled with -O. IX09372 The compiler issued an internal compiler error message when the -O option is used. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used the compiler issues a traceback from MEMID. IX09352 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX09344 Fix for Pascal problem in common component. IX14302 TO ADD 3.1.1 CLONE FILES FOR STARTUP IX14516 FILES ARE SYSCK'ED THAT AREN'T NECESSARILY UPDATED IX12110 KSH CORE DUMPS WHEN UPDATEP THRU SMIT, NEED WORK AROUND IX12115 UPDATE SCRIPT IS CALLING INUREST/INUSAVE INCORRECTLY IX12356 NEED TO REDROP XLCCMP/FIXINFO AS FIXINFO.SH FOR UPDT # @(#)fixinfo.S 1.1 com/xlccmp,3.1 2/8/91 11:25:33 # # COMPONENT_NAME: (CC) AIX XL C Compiler/6000 # # FUNCTIONS: # # ORIGINS: 27 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1990 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # IX16683 Fix for XL FORTRAN specific problem in common component of the compiler. IX16594 Incorrect results may be produced for NaN comparisons when the values to be compared can be determined at compile time and the code is compiled with -O. IX16056 The compiler may produce incorrect code for some types of storage references when the code is compiled with -O. IX15844 The compiler may produce incorrect code when a call just before a return statement uses more than 8 words of parameters, if the code is compiled with -O. IX15745 extern const inside function block without initialized value may result in an incorrect error message being generated IX15701 The compiler may produce incorrect results for code that does a large amount of spilling of the machine's registers. IX15503 More than 40 nested function calls may result in internal compiler error IX15397 The compiler may produce incorrect results for some specific cases of bitwise "and" operations when compiled with -O. Explicitly, when one of the operands is not composed of a contiguous set of '1' bits, one of the optimizations applied may cause invalid "andil." or "andiu." instructions to be generated. IX15189 declaring register function pointer may result in internal compiler error IX15175 The compiler may produce incorrect code when compiled with -qXFLAG=HSFLT for real to integer conversions. IX15144 #elif inside a #if block which is more than 1 nested level may result be handled incorrectly IX15121 compiler internal table runs out of entries IX15111 null replacement text in nested macro call may not work IX15028 The compiler may produce incorrect code when compiled with -O. IX14991 The compiler may produce incorrect code when compiled with -O. IX14202 The compiler may produce code that gives a segmentation fault on execution if the code is compiled with -O. IX14153 Assignment expression involving arrays of structures in the left hand side of another assignment expression may cause future references to the array of structures to be incorrect. IX14125 The compiler may produce incorrect results for programs manipulating strings when compiled with -O. IX14068 automatic initialization involving dereferencing may cause internal compiler error IX14066 The compiler may take so much time that it looks like its in an infinite loop when the -O option is used. IX14042 Passing a member of an array of structures to a function will cause internal compiler error when the member is itself a structure and the index into the array is a conditional expression. IX13835 The compiler may not generate efficient code for some invarients in loops when the source is compiled with -O. IX13881 The compiler may produce incorrect results for code compiled with the -O option. IX13737 The compiler may produce incorrect results for code compiled with the -O option. IX13705 The compiler may produce incorrect results for code compiled with the -O option. IX13657 The compiler may produce incorrect results for code compiled with the -O option. IX13631 The compiler may issue an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified. IX13587 Incorrect setup information is being passed to dbx when the -g option is specified and there are static void functions being included. IX13483 Calling macros with comment lines split across 2 lines may cause error. IX13462 The compiler may issue an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified. IX13459 Calling strcpy with errorneous arguments may cause internal compiler error. IX13074 XREF(FULL) with unreferenced members in structure may result in an internal compiler error. IX12987 The compiler may issue an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified and there is an unitialized automatic variable inside a loop. IX12781 The compiler may issue an internal compiler error message if unsigned integer division is used and the -O option is specified. IX12828 2 end blocks on the same line may cause -g error IX12827 Increase computation table size. IX12807 Multiple reference or pointer with member increment may fail IX12704 Incorrect results when compiled with the -O option. IX12604 Referencing undeclared member of a structure in a ternary expression may result in an internal compiler error. IX12594 bitfield members may not be sign extended in shift operation IX12543 The compiler may use too much memory when compiled with the -O option. IX12525 Ternary expression involving bitfields may result in internal compiler error with -O option. IX12505 The compiler invocation command passes files with suffix to ld before files with no suffix, thus results in incorrect order of files seen by ld. IX12475 The compiler may not handle a passing variable parameters correctly when the code is compiled with -O. IX12443 Fix for XL FORTRAN specific problem in common component. IX12483 Assignment operator with long int and pointer may fail IX12438 preprocessing token of .. may result in incorrect output after preprocessing. IX12427 Fix for XL FORTRAN specific problem in common component. IX12399 #ifdef does not allow keywords as macro names. IX12235 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX12226 -g with -qnoro may cause error in the initialization of structure IX12182 Using '\\' as an argument in macro replacement in extended mode may cause error in preprocessing. IX11806 structure member with an unknown size array may cause internal compiler error when initialized IX11665 The compiler traps in V_DJOINT when program is compiled with -O. IX11651 Ternary operations with pointer arithematics may produce incorrect results without optimization. IX11565 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX11447 function returning a structure which is called more than once may produce incorrect results. IX11309 #line may cause -g error IX11276 Incorrect static initialization may cause internal compiler error. IX11197 An unary logical operation on pointer with assignment operator will cause an internal compiler error. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used, the compiler issues a traceback from BASEREG. IX11145 Options not directed to the compiler, that require an argument that has not been supplied, will result in incorrect processing of options. IX11142 character constant having a parameter as part of the replace- ment text will result in an extra blank being inserted in extended mode. IX11140 conditional expression involving dereferencing of a member of a structure may result in internal compiler error. IX10965 The -I option without a pathname is not handled correctly. IX10921 A bitfield with length zero followed by a non-bitfield member will cause a subsequent bitfield to have incorrect alignment. IX10918 Passing a structure by value may corrupt subsequent parameters . IX10816 Compiling code with functions named bb, eb, bf, ef, target, xfake, eos, file, text, data or bss with the -g option is specified may cause the linkage editor to fail. IX09652 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX09651 The compiler issued an internal compiler error message when the -O option is used. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used, the compiler issues a traceback from EQUIVALENT_DEFS. IX09647 Static initialization with constant expressions that involve pointer dereferencing will produce incorrect results. IX09639 When preprocessing files containing #pragma alloca, the compiler abends. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used, the compiler issues a traceback from PRAGMADIR. IX09636 If a function prototype contains an elipsis and that function is called with a floating point parameter, then incorrect results will occur. IX09573 Core dump at run time with -O. IX09391 Structure assignment to a volatile string corrupted when compiled with -O. IX09372 The compiler issued an internal compiler error message when the -O option is used. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also used the compiler issues a traceback from MEMID. IX09352 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX09344 Fix for Pascal problem in common component.