IX12693 An incorrect compile time message is issued when the membership of a a set element is tested for and the type of the set element is an equivalent type. IX12629 Compiler name and service level not present as part of what information within xlpentry. IX12622 Incorrect runtime error checking code is sometimes created for variant records, that contain pointers, and are passed as parameters. The resulting programs will coredump at runtime. IX12549 Incorrect include filename information is being generated for DBX. Programs with many includes compiled with the -g option may cause the compiler to issue an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also specified the compiler issues a traceback from SOURCE_FILE_NAME. IX12520 xlp reorderes object files sent to ld. IX12445 Fix for an XL FORTRAN specific problem in a common component. IX12442 Fix for an XL FORTRAN specific problem in a common component. IX12272 A writeln of a structured constant causes the compiler to issue an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is specified the compiler issues a traceback from CONVERT_TO_VAR. IX12238 The compiler may produce incorrect code for set expressions when the left hand side of the expression is a set within a record which has a variant part. IX12233 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX11677 The compiler issued an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also specified the compiler issues a traceback from V_DJOINT. IX11663 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX11378 A program or segment with many literal or constant declarations may cause the compiler to issue an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is specified the compiler issues a traceback from GET_ORD_VAL. IX11342 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX11321 If x=x is coded and the -O option is specified, incorrect results may be produced. IX11191 Options not directed to the compiler, that require an argument that has not been supplied, will result in incorrect processing of options. IX10535 If an externally declared item is assigned to but is not otherwise referenced in the program the compiler issues an internal compiler error message referencing FAP_AID. IX10007 Case statements with no case labels were being accepted by the compiler. IX09987 A segment with no executable code compiled with the -g option causes the compiler to issue an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also specified the compiler issues a traceback from DBX_MAPINCL. IX09663 If a repetition factor is used to initialize the last element in an array the compiler issues an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is specified the compiler issues a traceback from CS_PRF. IX09662 If a function is being passed to another procedure or function and both routines are undefined the compiler issues an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is specified the compiler issues a traceback from ADVANCE_CONTEXT. IX09661 Passing a pointer to a record field to a procedure or function causes the length of the entire record, instead of the length of the record field to be passed as the parameter descriptor. IX09660 Passing expressions as parameters to a function may cause unpredicatable execution or incorrect results when the -O option is not specified. IX09659 Options that should appear before all executable code are being accepted anywhere in the source file. IX09653 Incorrect results when compiled with -O option. IX09650 The compiler issues an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also specified the compiler issues a traceback from EQUIVALENT_DEFS. IX09644 The compiler issues an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also specified the compiler issues a traceback from V_GETREG. IX09571 Coredump at runtime when compiled with -O option. IX09487 A program with an enumerated type declared as the only identifier in a scope will cause the compiler to loop infinitely. IX09479 WRITELN will not accept builtin functions highest and lowest when the input to them is a parameter or a record field of type subrange. IX09461 An incorrect structured constant used to initialize a multidimensional array causes the compiler to issue an internal compiler error message. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is specified the compiler issues a traceback from CS_PCV. IX09460 The linkage editor is invoked when the option -qprimeout is specified. IX09455 Passing a structure by value may corrupt subsequent parameters. IX09453 Compiling code with functions named bb, eb, bf, ef, target, xfake, eos, file, text, data or bss when the -g option is specified, may cause the linkage editor to fail. IX09415 Fix for a XL C compiler specific problem in a common component. IX09382 The compiler issued an internal compiler error message when the -O option is specified. When the option -qdebug=except:tracebk is also specified the compiler issues a traceback from MEMID. IX09308 Incorrect results produced when the -O option is specified. IX08531 Suboptions comply and nocomply for the -qieee option are not accepted by the compiler.