IX12705 A user defined subroutine named after one of the system routines, getenv, system, signal, or abort will not be called properly. IX12229 An incorrect message will be issued if the end of file is reached during a list-directed internal formatted READ. IX11455 The GETENV service subprogram does not blank-pad the character variable into which the value of the specified environment variable is returned. IX11424 A program containing calls to user-defined subprograms 'rand' and 'srand' will fail to execute as expected. IX11387 Warning messages may be issued for an OPEN statement, even if IOSTAT= or ERR= is specified. IX10989 A warning message is issued if there are characters following the closing parenthesis in a format. IX10884 Integer and logical intrinsic functions may not be handled correctly by the compiler when the NOI4 option is specified. IX10657 When an alphabetic character is read into a real or complex variable, an error message may not be issued, although error recovery (assigning 0 to the variable) is performed. IX10319 If a direct read cannot be completed, an error message referring to a sequential read may be issued. IX09560 Compilation of a program containing a call to xl__trce will fail at link time, if the -qextname option is used.