prefix d name 21360 reference abstract backup/restore should reflect all types of backup/res duplicate component cmdsmit state open priority target age 0 addDate 91/06/05 11:00:23 assignDate 91/06/05 11:00:23 lastUpdate 91/06/05 11:00:23 responseDate endDate ownerLogin brian originLogin lucindal ownerName Brian Nelson originName Lucinda L. Maddin ownerArea AUS/d91 originArea AUS/64c tracks: none. verify: none. history: addDate action userLogin (userName) -------------------- --------------- ---------------------------------- 91/06/05 11:00:25 create lucindal (Lucinda L. Maddin) duplicate designs: none. duplicate defects: none. sizing: none. notes: The backup/restore format in smit should be changed to reflect all different types of backup/restore formats. The following is a suggestion for the smit layout: Physical and Logical Storage File Systems Backup Utilities Create System Image Backup Backup by Filename Backup by Inode Restore Utilities Restore System Image Backup Restore Backup by Filename Restore Backup by Inode Each entry should also have a help text that explains the specific function of that menu item. The restore for the system image backup should explain the environment necessary to perform that function. (ie. maintenance mode)