2007 --- defects not in 2007 DEFECTS NOT CORRECTED FROM THE PREVIOUS BUILDS: ----------------------------------------------- 38252 - Backup to multi-volume 1/4" tape gets killed, instead of asking for the second tape. The -p flag was used, and when a file without read permission is encountered, backup doesn't know what to do. 38382 - SMIT tty ugliness. This only happens on a KJ system. Not Regression 38761 - X window cropping problem. Pieces of Motif decorations bleed through into the Tetris window form windows below it. 39226 - GL test suite causes Gemini to hang. Does not occur every time, only about 1 out of 3 times. Requires machine to be rebooted. 39247 - When tty's are changed from enable to disable, the permissions and ownerships do not change. (This is a feature, the defect was cancelled.) 39453 - Gemini hangs if multiple sessions of graPHIGS are running and one quicky switches between windows. Once system hangs, the system can still be pinged, but if it is tn'd to it will 888. 39540 - 8mm tape backup test with block size set between 512 and 0: backup: 0511-432 A write error occurred: There is an input or output error. backup: 0511-088 The backup tape may be damaged. Use a different tape to run the backup.