# This script creates lists of faxes according to various categories # (public, registered, worldwide, US, limited, etc.) # Author: Cynthia Roush # Creation Date: 09/09/94 # Change History: # 4/3/95 CR Add creation of lists that don't include U.S.-only # docs. # 9/23/96 CR Add version that includes all faxes (including # limited, but not links) # set variables and change directory . /u/hsim/other/fax.data/scripts/setvars cd $TMPDIR # remove comments, links, and limited distribution faxes sed "/^#/d" $FAXDB > tmp$$ # Author: EHR # create list for Todd to use in center fax tool cut -c$FN_COLS tmp$$ > tmp1$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp1$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.with.links sed "/ tmp1$$ # 9/23 added this line to create another list cut -c$FN_COLS tmp1$$ | sed "s/^ *//" > $LISTDIR/faxes.reg.pub.lim sed "/! limited/d" tmp1$$ > db$$ # get file names for registered and public faxes cut -c$FN_COLS db$$ > tmp1$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp1$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.reg.and.pub # create worldwide version sed "/! US !/d" db$$ > tmp1$$ cut -c$FN_COLS tmp1$$ > tmp$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.reg.and.pub.world # remove registered faxes sed "/! fee !/d" db$$ > tmp1$$ # get file names for public faxes cut -c$FN_COLS tmp1$$ > tmp$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.pub # create worldwide version sed "/! US !/d" tmp1$$ > tmp$$ cut -c$FN_COLS tmp$$ > tmp1$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp1$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.pub.world # remove public faxes sed "/! free !/d" db$$ > tmp1$$ # get file names for registered faxes cut -c$FN_COLS tmp1$$ > tmp$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.reg # create worldwide version sed "/! US !/d" tmp1$$ > tmp$$ cut -c$FN_COLS tmp$$ > tmp1$$ sed "s/^ //" tmp1$$ > $LISTDIR/faxes.reg.world # Use diff command to create list of just limited faxes diff $LISTDIR/faxes.reg.and.pub $LISTDIR/faxes.reg.pub.lim | sed "/^[0-9]/d" | sed "s/^> *//" > $LISTDIR/faxes.lim rm *$$